Ladies, time to get one’s sexy country clobber on and show the boys that what you might lack in driving skills you make up for with a lethal aim on a rifle. Akubra hats, knee high boots and Kate Middleton and her brigade will have nothing on you for this most proper of outdoor activities. No need to worry if you’re not familiar with a gun, whatever your hen party’s ability clay pigeon shooting is an excellent fun darlings. Let the competitive spirit fly!
Your group will be given a lesson in gun handling and shooting etiquette (don’t point your weapon at each other), plus a basic lesson in clay shooting by the resident qualified instructors will stop you getting into a flap (pardon pun!). The birds aren’t real (they’re clay, get it), so you won’t run short of targets and at least you’ll know when they are in flight as you shout the famous ‘pull’. Yes, we allow smug smiles, tossing of hair and sashaying away from your trap as you blow away the competition and discover your hidden talent.
Each different location has similar formats. Includes: Gun hire, cartridges, clays and hearing protection.