
Environmental Statement

DesignaVenture's Environmental Statement

This is just to let you know we are not burning tyres outside the office or keeping the lights on all night, jokes aside, we are VERY serious about being environmentally friendly.

Waste & Recycle

DesignaVenture minimizes waste production throughout our operation. Everything in the office that can be recycled is recycled. From paper to printer cartridges to cans, bottles and butter tubs, the boss is very firm on being GREEN and goes through the bins regularly, particularly when he'™s hungry!

Energy & Water

DesignaVenture is committed to reducing energy and water consumption.

All devices be it computers, printers, faxes are turned off when the offices are closed. Our lighting is energy saving LED's and when purchasing new equipment for the office, energy usage is a huge factor in the buying process.

A-star rated electrical products are used and all our water is sourced from a natural well, well we are in the country!

Paper Free Office

Now going paper free was a pipe dream in 2015 however since then, we have been working on procedures and digital security in order to make sure going paper free didn't compromise our level of service.

On the 1st October 2019 the DesignaVenture office went 99% paper free. This means any procedures will not printed in anyway, unless a customer has requested for their Essential Travel Pack to be sent in the post.

There will be scraps of paper around the office and we can't stop people / companies sending us post, plus some contracts need to be signed and posted back, so going 100% paper free is currently impossible.

However 99% is a great achievement.

We are extremely proud to advise you that the website you are on, is carbon neutral.

Carbon Neutral Website Logo Carbon Neutral Website UK Fast Logo