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Karting has always been an extremely popular stag do activity, even way way back in the 90’s.A Rage Buggy

In the 90’s possibly the top stag do activity along with Paintball was karting, stags loved it then and love it today.

The indoor and outdoor karts have moved on quite a bit, becoming faster, more fuel efficient, and a lot safer.

There are even now tree hugging electric karts which have a fantastic acceleration and top speed, however I am not recommending to get too close to trees in these karts, they cost a lot of money!

Rally karts on the 90’s were slow and dare I say it, a bit boring.

However, there are a new breed of karts in town which have moved on from the slow and dull Grass karts of the 90’s, they are called Rage Buggies, Dune Buggies or dirt karts.

These beasts can reach speeds of up to 90mph depending on where you go and have acceleration which will sit you back into your racing seat and to remind you of whose the boss.

So if you want something competitive with full on exhilarating on your next stag do, then doing a bit of karting in the day is totally recommended.